Where Science Helps to Find Justice

Joey James Law is dedicated to providing legal support to those who have suffered harm due to exposure to hazardous substances.

We aim to empower those who have been affected by corporate greed with a commitment to research, representation, and the pursuit of justice.

Our Purpose

Joey James Law was founded with a clear mission: to secure justice for our clients, their families, and their communities. We are dedicated to helping those who have been harmed by toxic chemical exposures due to corporate greed. By holding these corporations accountable, we believe we can make a lasting impact, improving the lives of all by ensuring that profit never comes before people’s safety.

The Investigation

We are a dedicated team of professionals who genuinely care—scientists, geneticists, engineers, chemists, data analysts, toxicologists, and medical experts—all working together to uncover the true cause of the injuries you or your loved ones are facing.

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, our team can now trace the effects of these toxic chemicals down to the cellular level. This “window into the body” allows us to see how exposure to these substances is causing harm, much like how genes can reveal the origins of our ancestors. These advancements give us the tools to prove when and how these poisons are affecting us.

Helping Communities

Joey James Law is a dedicated team of passionate attorneys, legal professionals, and scientists committed to making a positive impact in the communities we serve. Our mission is to help those who have been wronged or injured find justice and to improve the living conditions in affected areas.

We believe that everyone deserves access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. Guided by passion and empathy, we stand with the communities where we live, work, and play, taking on some of the nation’s largest chemical corporations to ensure accountability and fairness.

Contact us.

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